About Us
Our product 3Dnet is a best of breed solution that integrates a patient and referrer portal, a PACS and RIS, 3D-native functionality and advanced visualization applications such as CT Colonography, CT Lung Analysis, Automated CT Vessel Tracking, CT Calcium Scoring, CBCT Dental, DCE-MRI Perfusion, Breast MR, MRI ADC Modelling, and PET/CT Registration. It can scale from a single user to a multi-hospital enterprise solution supporting millions of exams. It includes a dedicated peer review and teleradiology module to support sub-specialty reporting, automatic resource load balancing and an enterprise worklist. Uniquely, the whole solution is multisite and deployed on the Microsoft Azure Cloud or private cloud. At a user level it can be accessed on any device via a hyper-fast true zero-footprint application. Being zero-footprint, the user only streams pixels, no data is transferred to the client—meaning the solution is both totally secure and incredibly fast.
Services are offered in accordance with FDA21 CFR, ISO 1345, EU MDR, UK MDR, ISO27001, Cyber Essentials Plus and all applicable data laws, including HIPPA.