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Innovation for Cancer from The Royal Marsden NHS Trust

Features & News

NHS Innovation in Cancer Surgery Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Innovation in Critical Care Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
NHS Innovation in cancer treatment Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Life Sciences Solutions
The UK life Science sector is world renowned. Consisting of 6,300 businesses, and employing well over 250,000 people, it is an industry built on innovation, pioneering the latest therapies and treatments through cutting-edge research and partnerships with the world’s largest single payer health system, the NHS. Discover the sector today.
Hospitals & Clinics
From the hip replacement to the bionic hand, the UK is nation of firsts and its world leading hospitals and clinics are right at the heart of this. At the very cutting edge of healthcare delivery, these institutions are not only providing care for all, but are adopting the latest innovations at scale

National Pavilions

With a vibrant, diverse and growing life sciences industry, Wales matches its enviable science base with a business friendly environment.

With a proud history of medical innovation, Scotland is home to one of Europe’s largest life sciences communities.

A strong manufacturing base and a booming network of businesses means Northern Ireland’s life sciences sector is thriving.
Meet our Gold subscribers
The UK Healthcare Pavilion showcases the very best in innovation. Discover our gold subscribers today.