Why Life Sciences In Wales
Health Technology in Wales
Wales is part of the United Kingdom, bordered by England to the east and the Irish Sea to the west. Wales is a country of vibrant towns and cities – a landscape of beautiful coastlines and mountainous countryside with a rich ancient culture and a proud industrial heritage. Wales has a population of over 3 million and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of £75 billion ($96B).
Healthcare in Wales
Healthcare in the United Kingdom is a devolved matter, with England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each delivering their own systems of publicly funded healthcare. The majority of healthcare in Wales is provided by NHS Wales. With a budget of £9 billion ($12.5 billion), NHS Wales employs around 78,000 staff. Healthcare is delivered through seven geographically located health boards who plan, secure and deliver healthcare services in their areas. In addition, Wales has three all-Wales NHS trusts; Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust; Velindre University NHS Trust (cancer services) and Public Health Wales.
Health Research in Wales
With world-class academic expertise, across eight universities, Wales has a vibrant and collaborative research culture and close partnerships between healthcare, research and industry. Wales has particular research strengths in wound healing, stem cells, neurosciences, e-health, in vitro diagnostics, and medical devices. Wales has specific centres of expertise in wound care and prevention, advanced therapies and precision medicine, medical imaging, rural health, clinical trials, health informatics, device design and development, and optoelectronics.
AgorIP supports organisations with new products, business ideas or cutting edge research and helps them to bring their products to market.
Accelerate Wales is a partnership between Life Sciences Hub Wales and three leading universities. It helps businesses to access academic expertise and the latest facilities needed by innovators and entrepreneurs to realise their ideas.
Life Science Industry in Wales
The Welsh life science industry sector employs more than 12,000 people, in over 360 companies ranging from SMEs and start-ups to large blue chips, with a turnover in excess of £2 billion. Wales is home to some of the world’s most progressive companies and some of the best known and established brands. The sector has developed strong clusters in high-growth markets including in vitro diagnostics, single-use technology and wound care. Wales has recognised strengths in medical technology, diagnostics and wound healing, and is already creating a world-leading regenerative medicine ecosystem, which includes research, healthcare, government and centres of excellence.
Unrivalled connectivity
The Welsh life science ecosystem is particularly well connected across health, industry and research sectors. A number of support organisations will help new partners to orientate, engage and collaborate with Welsh life science.
Welsh Government - With offices across the world, members of the Welsh Government International team are on hand to help organisations with support, information and connections across the sector.
Life Sciences Hub Wales - A front door to the Welsh life science sector, bringing together business support, funding, skills and clinical engagement from the public and private sectors to accelerate growth.
Digital Health Ecosystem Wales - A network connecting developers and companies with innovative digital health solutions to the NHS in Wales. The aim is to make it easier and faster to adopt digital healthcare technology in Wales.
Health Technology Wales - Promoting the use of health technologies that offer the most benefit for the people of Wales.
Health and Care Research Wales - The Health and Care Research Wales industry team supports the setup and progress of clinical trials and research studies across NHS Wales.
MediWales - The life science sector membership organisation for Wales. MediWales provides advice, support and business opportunities, and promotes collaboration among the life science and health technology community in Wales.
However you decide to engage with the Welsh life science ecosystem, you will find expertise, facilities and genuine enthusiasm to collaborate and deliver excellence in healthcare products and services.
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