The Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) delivered an eHealth and Data Analytics Dementia Pathfinder Programme which was been part funded by the NI Executive Office, Atlantic Philanthropies and Department of Health.
The Programme had two related strands – one of which is focused on building the capacity to collect and use dementia data to improve the planning and commissioning of efficient, effective and value for money dementia services, and to create a platform that can be utilised to enable data driven care-planning solutions across the health and social care system.
The HSCB eHealth called for Expressions of Interest for a number of “non-academic or real-life” data analytics projects aimed at improving our understanding of dementia in Northern Ireland and informing better services and support for people with dementia and planning for the future.
Altogether there were 47 requests for application packs and 13 submissions were received of which eight were for scoping projects and five were for full projects. Eight projects have successfully received funding following expressions of interest in round one. Our project was also awarded a follow-up grant in round 2.