About Us
An Award winning UK Manufacturer of Surgical Instruments of all surgical disciplines.
A Vision of a Dedicated & Passionate UK Surgeon
• To manufacture ‘Surgical Instrument of Choice’ for Surgeons & Clinical End Users across the Globe.
• To exceed End User expectations in terms of instrument function and form.
• To set new standards of functional quality and precision with provision for end users customisation and innovation.
• To Prioritise on the viewpoint and wisdom of surgeons & Focus product development on surgeons as the end users & key influencer in design
• To understand surgeon centred needs,wants, motivations, likes and dislikes.
Historically, many different kinds of surgical intruments have been developed by surgeons. However, in modern times, strict government controls have modified the ancient path of innovation. Therefore, Surgeons require a platform.
Surgins’ philosophy is to provide such A Global Platform
• To provide surgeons and the field of SURGERY with surgical instruments of the highest quality, precision and cost-effectiveness
• To develop surgical instruments of their vision with potential for continuous innovati
Surgins’ believe that providing surgeons with surgical instruments WHAT, WHEN, HOW, Surgeons want, is the key to a successful surgery which will facilitate the treatment of surgical diseases across the globe.
Competitive Advantage
1) Clinical Credibility
The Healthcare Market is professional and knowledgeable. Healthcare products require clinical credibility to gain acceptance by clinicians for use on their patients. Surgins built its clinical credibility by prioritising the viewpoint of surgeons and the clinical end-users of surgical instruments. At Surgins, clinical credibility is of the highest priority and we work to meet, and exceed, the most stringent standards.
2) A UK source of better quality products at cost-effective prices, with continuous innovation.
Current suppliers of surgical instruments worldwide have exploited their market dominance by charging high prices for basic quality products, with limited customisation and innovation due to limited input from surgeons and clinical end-users.
We prioritise instrument design by taking a „surgeon centric‟ approach.
The result is Surgins Surgical instruments not only have exceptional levels of functionality, precision engineering and durability, but they are also cost-effectively manufactured.
3) Surgeons Global Platform for R&D
A world-class environment for collaborative research in the development and continuous innovation of surgical instruments, to bridge the gap between surgeons and industry.
4) Bespoke and Signature instruments.
Surgeons and clinicians come in all shapes and sizes, and work in their own unique ways. To address this issue we offer the opportunity for surgeons to either customise existing instruments to suit, or to work with us to develop a completely new design as per their individual concept, expertise and wisdom.
Instruments can then be embossed with the surgeon‟s own name to ensure they are always using the right tools for the job.
5) Extensive Product Range
Whether purchasing a single instrument, or equipping a whole new hospital or surgery, whether left handed instruments or key hole surgery instruments,
Useful Information
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Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE
27 Jan - 30 Jan 2025