InnoScot Health

About Us

InnoScot Health is a strongly collaborative organisation. Formed in 2002, our primary role is to work in partnership with NHS Scotland in encouraging NHS innovators to submit their ideas to us. These ideas are evaluated and, if commercially viable, are supported through an innovation pathway and launched onto the market. The organisation provides a wealth of expertise (IP, Regulatory, Project Management, Investment, Commercialisation) to healthcare innovators and supports collaboration across the NHS, academia, and industry. Our strategic positioning as a commercial interface between the NHS and the healthcare investment community is unique. We bring well-developed innovations of substance and scale to the market, achieving the dual benefits of improving patient care and stimulating economic wealth.

Useful Information

Innoscot Health Inventor Guide

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Themed calls

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Innovation expertise

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Products and spin-outs

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272 Bath Street
G2 4JR
United Kingdom


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