Harley Street Business Improvement District

Not-for-profit organisation made up of businesses, landowners, medical organisations and charities
Establishing a clear vision for Harley Street
About Us
The Harley Street Business Improvement District (BID) went live on 1st April 2022 after consultation with businesses and following a successful ballot outcome in December 2021.
The aim was to bring key stakeholders together around a table with the shared value of seeing the Harley Street area develop and continually grow into a sustainable, secure and globally recognised BID.The Harley Street BID is a newly established business improvement district, we are a not-for-profit organisation made up of businesses, landowners, medical organisations and various charities together with the wider Harley Street community to establish a clear vision for the area.
Building on our legacy as a pioneering and world-leading centre of medical excellence, we will deliver tailored activities to support business growth, maximising our area’s specific opportunities and challenges. We will enhance and improve the entire Harley Street area, transforming it into a unique, fulfilling destination for all.