This report contains analysis of trends in the UK life sciences industry, covering the Biopharma and Med Tech sectors. The three main measures of economic contribution and industry structure are:
• employment - the number of people employed by life science businesses
• turnover - the amount of money taken by businesses within scope of life science sector activities
• number of businesses – the number of life science businesses and their sites registered in the UK
It contains analysis of the industry looking at the economic activity of businesses that market therapeutic products and medical devices as well as the specialist Service & Supply chains that are key parts of the ecosystem. A segmentation approach is applied that enables a detailed analysis of the product and service categories that make up the industry.
Office for Life Sciences
Bioscience and Health Technology Sector Statistics


Office for Life Sciences
Bioscience and Health Technology Sector Statistics

Office for Life Sciences
Digital Health in the UK

The King's Fund
The UK private health market

Office for National Statistics
Healthcare expenditure

Office for National Statistics
UK Healthcare spending

Office for Life Sciences
Life Science Competitiveness Indicators

NHS Providers
Specialised Services: Transforming Delivery for Patients

Office for National Statistics
Overview of the UK Population

Office for National Statistics
Public service productivity

NHS Providers
Recovery Position - What next for the NHS?

The King's Fund
Technology and innovation for long-term health conditions

NHS Providers
The state of the NHS provider sector

NHS Confederation