This briefing shares the results of the first NHS Providers survey carried out with the chairs and chief executives of trusts since the COVID-19 pandemic began. It offers a snapshot view of the sector’s position as trusts emerge from the first peak of the outbreak, and move towards a ‘new normal’. It shares the different approaches trusts have put in place to continue caring for non-COVID patients, highlights the work they are doing to return to a sustainable level of services, and demonstrates the complexity of calculating what a sustainable level of service provision should be.
Office for Life Sciences
Bioscience and Health Technology Sector Statistics
Office for Life Sciences
Digital Health in the UK
The King's Fund
The UK private health market
Office for National Statistics
Healthcare expenditure
Office for National Statistics
UK Healthcare spending
Office for Life Sciences
Life Science Competitiveness Indicators
NHS Providers
Specialised Services: Transforming Delivery for Patients
Office for National Statistics
Overview of the UK Population
Office for National Statistics
Public service productivity
NHS Providers
Recovery Position - What next for the NHS?
The King's Fund
Technology and innovation for long-term health conditions
NHS Providers
The state of the NHS provider sector
NHS Confederation